Hola a todos, Hoy llegan nuevas cartas a Eredan iTCG :

Corila, ancestral horns. Raro. Escudo. Única. Corazón de Savia. Homchaï.

Iklwa. Poco Común. Lanza . Corazón de Savia. Combatiente. Homchaï. Permanent. Activates after the fight. Attack +2 and Spirit +1. If this card is discarded from the game, one of your Hom'Chai has Attack +1 and Spirit +1 until the end of the game. Activates immediately if a Hom'Chai is still alive.

Apagori. (3 evoluciones en total). En su última evolución : Poco Común. Corazón de Savia. Combatiente. Homchaï. Mente 0. Ataque 8/9. Defensa 3. Puntos de Vida 16. Gain Chain if you play a Spear or a Shield. As long as "Apagori" is dead, all your Sap Hearts gain Defense +2 and Attack +1. Turns 2 and 4: Deals an additional attack equal to his printed Attack.

Totemic shield. Común. Escudo. Corazón de Savia. Combatiente. Activates after the fight. Permanent. Your opponent has Attack -2. Hom'Chai: Activates immediately.

Buen juego! De ahora en adelante estás cartas estarán disponibles en el booster Recién llegados.